Ornish Living: Feel better, love better


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Let them know that you would appreciate their support. The main reason is because you are making a choice that you believe is right for you. Make it clear that you’re not asking them to change their lives; you’re just changing your own.

Make it clear that you’re not asking them to change their lives; you’re just changing your own.

Better Communication

You may find the communication skills described here make it easier for them to hear what you’re saying without feeling criticized or judged.

Over time, as they begin to see your improvements, they may ask more questions about what you’re doing and how they can benefit. The best teacher is a good example.

They may also be interested in learning more about the decades of research validating the Ornish Program.


Contributed by

Dean Ornish, MD.
Program Founder

Awareness is the first step in healing. Just Ask!

Better Health Begins With You...

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