Name: Regina Hoffman
Age: 70
Ornish Site: Saline Heart Group
Health Challenges: A-Fib, diabetes, overweight, high cholesterol.
Greatest Motivation: I want to live a more normal life, enjoying the new energy and get up and go.
The last hospital visit (5 days) was tiring. Dr. Hatch mentioned Ornish Lifestyle Medicine (Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation), and I’d try anything at that point. I had never seriously worked out on exercise machines and it was hard at first, but I’m continuing 3 days a week with that, plus working out in a therapy pool. The change in food was the hardest thing to get used to, and I’m still working on it. Stress Management and Group Support were very enlightening. It still surprises me how much better I feel after doing the Stress Management techniques.
The staff and doctors really care about everyone
We all could improve on our bodies, and I have mentioned the program to several people. The staff and doctors are the best I’ve met – they really care about everyone.
I was apprehensive about the whole program, but the staff put me at ease. I enjoyed the new people I met and made some very good friends. Besides alumni meetings with all the past cohorts, we are getting together as a cohort.
I got tired of being in a hospital when things got worse. I want to live a more normal life, enjoying the new energy and get up and go.