Dr. Ornish on Lifestyle Changes to Inhibit Prostate Cancer
Photo Credit: Via, ABC
Twenty-nine thousand men die every year from Prostate Cancer. Dr. Ornish explains to Diane Sawyer how he and his colleagues examined the effects of intensive lifestyle changes on men with early stage Prostate Cancer after one year.
These results indicate that intensive lifestyle changes may effect the progression of early low grade prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer and Lifestyle Changes
After one year, none of the men in the experimental group underwent conventional treatments compared to six in the control group. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) decreased 4% in the experimental group compared to a 6% increase in the control group. Prostate cancer cell growth was inhibited almost eight times as much in the experimental group compared to the control group. These results indicate that intensive lifestyle changes may affect the progression of early low grade prostate cancer.
At the end of the interview, Sawyer, says: “Well, this is big news this morning. I remember the skepticism that first greeted you when you talked about reversing heart disease, and then it proved to be the case.
Read the study in the Journal of Urology and watch the full show.