UCLA Launches New Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Website
UCLA Health has launched a state-of-the-art new website to support their Ornish Lifestyle Medicine program. Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease is the only scientifically proven program to stop the progression and even reverse the effects of heart disease.
This nationally-recognized program has been so effective that the Centers for Medicare & Medicade decided to make it available to Medicare members under a new benefit category called “Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs.” UCLA Lifestyle Medicine is the first integrative medicine treatment program of its kind to receive this level of support.
The new lifestyle medicine website features news and events, which includes an upcoming live webinar lead by UCLA cardiologist Tamara Horwich, MD, and special guest Dean Ornish, MD, about the healing and transformative power of the Ornish Lifestyle Medicine program at UCLA. Register for the webinar.
Perspective patients can also read patient stories, meet the team who will be in charge of their care, and most important, both patients and physicians can get started by entering the referral portal.
“It’s been an honor and privilege working with Dr. Ornish and the entire ShareCare team on taking UCLA Lifestyle Medicine to new levels of success,” said Amy E. Lau, MPH, the Business Development Manager of UCLA Health.
The UCLA Health Lifestyle Medicine outpatient program consists of 18 four-hour sessions, delivered twice per week from 5:00 PM to 9:30 PM (M/W or T/Th) for 9-weeks at UCLA Medical Plaza. These sessions are participatory and experiential. During each of these meetings, participants experience stress management (1-hour), emotional group support (1-hour), exercise (1-hour), enjoy a nutritious plant-based meal, and listen to educational lectures (1-hour). Our interdisciplinary team will provide patient-centered care during every step of the 9-week program to optimize their lifestyle changes.